Thursday, May 17


The sewing machine has been used. And it is good.

I think I need some new needles, because sewing this eyelet fabric got a bit dicey at times (whaa? why is this pulling..??). Anyway, I attempted to take photos. But again, I'm a crafting night owl apparently.

I followed the tutorial from Design Sponge. It was a nice little instructional for a pseudo beginner!

 After (nervously) cutting, iron the hems.

Sew, sew, sew.

Measure twice! This is for the bottom hem, 5 inches.

Somehow, on the bottom hem I ended up with uneven sides. It was all ironed out before hand, how does this happen?? I ended up just kinda fudging the sewing to make them look like they lined up!

 Top hem for the tension rod! I used a 2.5 inch hem. The sides of this hem ended up perfectly matched. I was baffled. Yet carried on....

The end! The cute little eyelet curtain in my cute little blue bathroom. 

It ended up being just a tad too short. I have plenty of fabric left, so I can remake it. It doesn't really bother me, so I probably won't!  I do feel all ambitious now, and I really want to make something for my niece. She spends a lot of time outside, yet is in that weird princess phase. There is a tutorial I came across for a skirt with shorts underneath! Can't wait to go shopping for a cute patterned fabric for her!

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