Saturday, January 27

Ladies and Gentlemen, Winter is here:

This was a few or so ago, but as you can see, It's been pretty fricken cold.

I love snow, but can't stand the cold. As a matter of fact, right now, my hands are freezing and my hips are aching. what's that you say? Why no! I am only 22 years old and already addled by the annoyance of "cold weather aches."
*grumbles like a crazy old woman*

I would go take a hot shower, but I need to do laundry at my aunts house. But she smokes. So then I have to take a shower when I come I'll wait. The things you do when you're broke.

Oh! My mom came and visited the apartment!! I got to show it off to her and her friends. They were just here for the night, observing a school district for something. They were very impressed. Then we went to the British pub across the street. Very cozy, and welcoming. It was a perfect nite for a chat at the pub.

Last nite, the Boyfriend took me to a movie and out to the clubs. Yes, I said clubs. His buddies were out, and we usually go and meet them. The fiancee of one of his friends, was in a little little top...and it was pretty....but...she has pneumonia....and it's snowing and below freezing. *blink blink* Yeah....I don't know either. He says she thinks she's a celebrity. I will just take my friends stance and say "Whatever. It's all good. Whatever you want for you." (That friend is moving. To Detroit. Damn. I only met her a month ago at work, but...she's so FUN! ::sigh:: It's all good.)

And the movie? So sad, but really good. Pan's Labyrinth. It's sweet in a sad way. But the best part of last nite? It was all within walking distance. Even though it was freezing out, it wasn't a far walk. (As you can see, I'm still astounded by how close entertaining things are.)

Alright, I'm going to prepare myself for a sojourn to the Aunt's house for laundry and a visit. I hope she is feeling better.

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